September in a Nutshell

This month has seen me reaching triple-figures in driving hours, starting to experience low adhesion (the worst is yet to come…) and other general network things. Nothing especially special to mention this month work-wise. Current driving hours (estimate): 100hrs.

Personal life, I’ve been attending an immersive theatre show called Phantom Peak regularly, and have started dressing up for it. I have the fanciest red velvet-ish coat, and I absolutely adore it. I walk around all regal with a walking cane, inspired by the costume of the friend I attend with. We do a small bit of role play when we are together (he’s a demon/devil, I’m an angel… think Aziraphale and Crowley of Good Omens fame!), and now many of the actual cast have started ripping off of this… is it bad that the cast are remembering us, and making comments?

One of the cast members who I’ve seen several times before was quick to approach me when we arrived on Saturday to compliment me on my fabulous costume, and she was brilliant to interact with! Here’s to attending again soon…

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