Time for one of those posts about new year, new stuff etc

This year has been my first full year within the railway. I started on the railway back in August 2021, in the role that I’m currently in, Dispatch. During this time, I have cried, shouted, loved, cared, hugged and high fived at everything we have done. This year has been extremely tough, as our TOC has been in dispute conditions since February, which is 11 months of action, causing disruption and confusion for the day to day running. This year has let me grow as an individual, developing my skills and meeting new people which has let me work my way through to new and exciting roles.
Back in November, after getting a bit of application burnout, I applied for a Conductor role with Northern. I completed their psychometric test, then I was invited to interview. The interview, like most railway roles, was tricky, but using skills and experienced picked up from my railway career and from my life overall, I was able to answer the questions, giving over my rapport and experiences.
It took a few days, but I got the call from the HR team, that my interview was successful and they’d like to book me in for a medical. That was one of the best calls of a while.
Suffice to say, the medical was satisfactory, and I am starting with Northern as a Conductor for late January. It’s a step up, and i’m excited about it all.

Best of luck for all of your 2023’s, hope it’s a good year.


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