21st October 2021

Hi Everbody, after my little experiment last week with posting my day on the general page, I’ve made a dedicated channel to post details of my day to day work life.

So it’s 1:30 AM ish and I’ve just woken up after 3 hours sleep ready to travel to Tonbridge to start my day on 3W90. Due to the shift changeover from Tuesday I’ve found it hard to sleep so the coffee is almost mandatory!

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Made it back to South Croydon. Had to run at 20mph from hurst green to East Grinstead and back to prove the route and give it a extra good wash. Now it’s back to the yard at a maximum 40mph. A blanket speed has been imposed due to the inclement weather conditions

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Back in they yard and put to bed, that’s exactly where I’m going! Maybe a stop for a cheeky Mc Donald’s breakfast on the way!

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Just got time for this one before I leave

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I’ve got a 1AM alarm call so its off to bed for me. 3W90 again tomorrow. I’ve got 73-9s for the first time in a while.

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