Diary Day 1, 11th September 2022

So, today has been mainly rest and recuperation. Within the team and companies I work with, we have a 4 on, 4 off rota. Today is Day 1 of my 4 day rest period.This means the other link, (link 2, because of course we’re better) is currently working their 4 days. I’ve been given my roster for the next four days, and it’s nights.. We only get nights every 3/6 weeks (depending if we end up getting them off GPR or not) so I will have to start adjusting my body clock over the coming days so I can sleep through the day. Fun..The four days of rest period allows for us to recharge our batteries after the last four. The down side of having such a good rotation pattern of 4-4, is that we work 12hr shifts, the maximum allotted shift pattern allowed on the railway (unless under exceptional circumstances, and even then we need authorisation from our head controller).

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