27th June 2022

Another week working 4Y19 from Tonbridge to Southampton Western Docks, returning as 6Y83 loaded with Gypsum. The Gypsum is ultimately bound for Mountfield where it will be turned into plasterboard and plaster.

Last week was interesting at work with all the strike action. My company and train drivers in general are not on strike. In my company in particular we are not in dispute and it’s business as usual. Nether the less the signallers being on strike meant that many routes were closed and some only open for a limited time. There were a number of interesting pathways, such as the train I’m driving today being routed via the Great Western routes through Reading. The only service I worked on a a strike day was from Acton to Tonbridge. An amazing run indeed, every signal that could show green did! Unheard off for a freight run through London!

I’ll try to keep out of the politics of the strikes, but always fact check what the main stream media are telling you and make your own decisions based on your independent research.

Last week marked 2 important anniversaries for me. firstly my 17th anniversary of life with Mum Rail. Secondly and most importantly the 25th marked 15 years on the railway for me. Time that has just flown by. The first 16 years of life going through school and adolescence seems to go on and on, but adulthood flies by. My advice live life to the full!

That’s all for now folks have a great week! 

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