24th October, 2021

I was suppose to be off today and starting at 0200 tomorrow morning, but owing to a change of plan I find myself on RHTT standby in Tonbridge Yard.

Part of my standby duties include shunting as required and prepping locos and trains for service. And so I find myself sitting aboard 66792 waiting for the air compressor to work its magic and charge up the the train.

This is the part of the job that people don’t see or often think about. Walking around the locos and checking things like sandboxes brake blocks, bonding straps. Then there is the internal walk through the engine room checking the filters, oil levels and coolant amongst over things.

All checks complete it’s time to start her up and complete cab prep. Checking all the onboard systems from lights to washers and wipers. Checking all the controls and making sure the brakes work. A quick visual check to make sure all the safety equipment is present and correct.….With all checks compete we perform a brake test with the shunter to prove continuity along the train, and she is good to go out into service.

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