18th February 2022

With Storm Eunice due to hit us today and the predicted 100mph winds it is of course a great time to go out on a de icing train. I’m expecting today to be a long day. We have a 50mph blanket speed restriction across the entire network. My train is only allowed to do 60 so it’s not such a problem for my train. The problem will be the disruption to the passenger trains meaning everything is out of it’s booked place. My little SITT train is priority 0 so I will be stuck behind everything and looped out of the way. Then of-course we have the problem of fallen trees blocking routes and the potential of hitting said trees.

On the plus side it should make an interesting diary post. I’ll update later today when I can.


I got as far as the exit signal at the yard with my de icing train before being told that due to multiple trees on the line I wouldn’t be running – shocks I never saw that one coming! Fortunately the wind has died down now and I find myself on 69001 route proving between Tonbridge and Orpington. We found 2 trees and manage to clear them. Fingers crossed the network reopens soon as I decided foolishly to get the train to work this morning, and as it stands there aren’t any heading home again.

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