Diary Day 2, 12th September 2022

Not much going on. Body is starting to recuperate after the 4 days prior. One of the things that truly need sorting is my feet. As platform staff, our insurance policy states that we have to wear a certain standard of shoes, with protective steel toe caps. I wear 200J Steel Toe Cap Boots, with comfortable insoles. 12 hours with massive boots on is a pain if repeated every day.To me, platform work and dispatch is a great way into the railway. I’ve been in this team and role for a year and a bit now. I started straight from college, earning and saving. I already had a pretty good knowledge of the network around my patch, which helped massively when starting in the role.One of the things we got told as the first thing to do was to network. Network with as many people as you could, across all different walks of life. At my base, we have multiple different companies who all work tirelessly to make sure our railway runs as smooth as possible.

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