23rd October 2021

A reasonable start time of 0800 today and I’m RHTT standby. Just helping out with some shunting in the yard then I’m off for a jolly to st Leonard’s via ashford and Rye due to a block on the Hastings line. My first shunt move today is a 73-9.

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Shunting complete and locos prepped for departure. I’ll be taking 2x73s (can’t recall which ones) in this pathway https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:71569/2021-10-23/detailed Realtime Trains – 0Y22 1110 Tonbridge West Yard Gbrf to St Leonards… If you’re out and about give me a wave and don’t forget to post any pictures. My return working will be https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:71561/2021-10-23/detailed Realtime Trains – 0Y23 1458 St Leonards Eng.Ltd (Gbrf) to Tonbridge…

Waiting for the signal at Tonbridge. The signalman originally pulled of and routed me via Tunbridge Wells, but I had to stop and refuse the route as there is a block on that line today. The Signaller wasn’t aware as the area blocked is controlled by a different signal box

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Schedule clash going across the marshes gives me a few moments to grab a picture at Appledore. Note the clean streak on 141. Looks like somebody didn’t appreciate the tasteful graffiti

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With the locos now at Stleonards it’s time for a healthy snack

I’m taking 141 back to Tonbridge as soon as it had its blocks changed. Bit like a quick fit for trains today.

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Just like taking your car down to the local garage 141 with her new brake blocks is put to bed for the night. Time to rush home and prep for tonight’s stream. I’ve got a much needed day off tomorrow.

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