16th and 24th December 2021

16th December 2021

Afternoon all! It would appear that Tuesday will be my last update before Christmas – sadly I have contracted COVID and therefore now isolating until Christmas Day. Look after yourselves and hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas!

24th December 2021

Afternoon one and all! Well fingers crossed it looks like my fight with the old COVID has been and gone. The first day where I am actually feeling normal again; no issues breathing, no temperature, no cough and most importantly no sore throat! I am stuck in isolation until Boxing Day – from then I am not due back into work till the 28th December. All I need to see is if my fatigue goes, obviously driving trains whilst fatigued isn’t a very good idea. So if that starts getting back to normal then I can get back to work! Huzzah! Stay safe out there all – and remember, if you get a sore throat, do a test – this was the first symptom I got

Well it would appear that my first TSW livestream works well enough! Hopefully will get a few more tests done and then maybe add some voice from myself and then have some fun! Though not wanting to steal the limelight from Richard!

Christmas Eve cooking is in full swing here – the Spanish celebrate the Eve more than the Day so HUGE dinner for the two of us tonight!

Cooking with Sam and Fran, 24th December 2021

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