10th May 2022

Everything has been a bit “normal” on the iron road with nothing much to report over the past couple of weeks.

I seem to be getting 2:30AM starts at the moment, working stone trains from Tonbridge West Yard to either Acton Yard or Thorny Mill. As you can imagine my fatigue levels are pretty high at the moment, and I’m left with no free evenings to stream as I’m in bed by 1800.

Having a trainee with me for the past few weeks has opened my eyes to how much I have forgotten in terms of rules and roads! It’s given me a good opportunity to up skill myself though. Some of the topics we have spoken about in the cab have given me food for thought for videos (as soon as shifts permit)

Hopefully I’ll get a break in the shifts soon so I can finish the GSMR video and get started on some of the others that are long awaited!

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