Welcome to Arty’s Diary

2022 felt like it was a blur of a year, and it went by far too quickly. But for me, that was for a good reason… 2022 was the year that I joined the railway family! March 2022 I took a train at 0720 down to Basingstoke, and started my Basic Guards Course. By June, that would be wrapped up, and on came the Route Learning. 

Then came August, a week of working with a coach, and suddenly… I’m out working trains as a Guard all by myself. It sounds terrifying, but it wasn’t. I’d gone through a lot of training to get to that point, the feeling of dispatching my first solo train from Waterloo was… exhilarating. 

Then came… other difficulties. I won’t talk about the strikes much, but they happened. I have my opinions, and they are mine. 

**A look ahead to 2023**

This coming year comes with another set of challenges. Will I be changing jobs, doing another training school course and more route and traction learning? Will I stay as a Guard? These and many other questions (likely pointless and not worthy to be answered…) will be answered here!

I look forward to documenting with you.

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