The One Where… It’s Happening… combined with ‘It Happened!”

I’m not telling you where or when (I really don’t want an audience!) but tomorrow will see me and my cohort driving our first ever trains in passenger service on the mainline.

The line will see us serve various stations, with a maximum permitted speed of 90mph. That’s quite a difference from the 5mph we’ve experienced so far…

It Happened!

1K50 1333 London Liverpool Street to Southend Victoria, driven by yours truly

What a thrill. What an experience. Getting to drive from London Liverpool Street to Southend Victoria, the whole run… it was absolutely amazing to be able to put everything we’ve been learning the last few months together and get out and about to drive it.

And to be very accurate with the stopping points and be on time? We have all impressed our instructor today. He was so happy.

This is the RTT page for my run:

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