31st January 2022

Well you guessed it I’m on standby again this week. I should have been working 3y90 but due to the unseasonably warm weather it’s been stood down and crew reverted to standby. I did get out an about last week and manage to take a few pictures. The first is a TRTS or TRS plunger in the up Sussex siding at New Cross Gate. Once we have arrived in the sidings and have changed ends and are ready to depart we operate the Train Ready To Start plunger. This in turn pings the signaller to inform them that we are good to go. We could of-course use GSMR for this but the button is simply more convenient. You also have setup issues on the GSMR in this location due to the proximity to the SE Mainline and the LU lines. There is a chance if you used the radio the ping would get sent to the wrong signaller.

The next pictures are of a point motor I found lying around. I always like to grab pictures like this when I can as you never know when they will come in useful!

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